Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm obsessed!

As many of my good friends know, I recently became completely obsessed with The Pioneer Woman blog by Ree Drummund (of none other than Pawhuska, Oklahoma).

As a result of my obsession, I have worked to convince my husband that we can go home and make amazing money with a ranch and a blog in Oklahoma, tried to cook a half dozen desserts for my birthday (all of which were just okay), convinced myself that I need a fancy camera to take amazing pictures of everything around me, and that I need a blog to talk about all of it because the entire world cares about what I am doing!

So... I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that we are not ranchers (although we will eventually move back to Oklahoma and drive a big truck), I'll never beat Bobby Flay in a throwdown, and the fancy camera can wait a bit. The whole world probably doesn't care what I have to say, but I know some people do, so I'm sticking with the blog. Enjoy!


  1. Some of us have been fans of you for a long time. I look forward to your thoughts and creativity. I may have really enjoyed the "Pioneer Woman's" pictures and especially the "Bassett on hay bale," but I didn't enjoy it any more than the picture story that told us of your engagement. You come from a proud history of ranch born storytellers, I will be listening.

  2. Fun!! Ask your dad about your recently rediscovered story about Jamie who lived on Wall Street Journal. Maybe you could blog about her sometime.
